Monday, February 25, 2013

How To Exercise To Get Rid Of Fat Hip and Thighs

Trying to lose weight in the thigh and hip area is one of the hardest challenges in weight loss. Women in particular have a tendency to accumulate fat in the thighs and it can get very unsightly especially when the thighs begin to get flabby.

Before you get into an exercise regime to remove that particular area of fat, understand that you will need to lose overall body fat and that focusing on only one area does not work. And although you will lose fat from all over your body, you will not lose it equally. If you happen to be pear-shaped woman, be patient about getting the results that you want because hip and thigh fat can be quite stubborn to get rid of. In other words you cannot spot reduce fat and hope to lose only your thigh fat or butt.

Cardio exercise is key to changing the size of your butt and thighs. Cardio includes exercises such as jogging, running, jump rope, climbing, jumping, cycling, kickboxing - anything that gets your heart pumping and increases heart rate.

How To Exercise To Get Rid Of Fat Hip and Thighs

In cardio exercise, your heart rate must get to at least 65% of its maximum. Your maximum is 220 minus your age, multiply that by 0.65 to the 65% maximum. You need to do this 5 days a week for between 30-60 minutes a day. Eating healthy diet is necessary for any successful weight loss.

Here are some specific tips on how to lose your thigh fat:

* The stepper is an effective way to lose thigh fat because it focuses on the butt muscles and because the gluteal muscle group is the largest muscle group in the body, more calories are burnt using this compared to the other cardo machines.

* Another great exercise for butt and thigh is squats. This can be done with dumbells or with just the weight of your body. You must do this properly and should not get too far forward otherwise it focuses excessively on the knee and front of the thigh.

* Weight training helps in well toned and sculpted thighs, and because the lower body has the largest muscle groups, these muscles can elevate metabolism benefits. With increased muscle in the thighs, you can burn more calories while running because the thighs are now more powered to run longer and faster.

* For an even effective reduction of fat on your thighs, cut down on your carbs intake like potato, rice, grains, pasta. Use brown carbs instead like sweet potatoes, whole grain bread; increase your lean protein intake such as chicken, egg whites, cottage cheese, protein shakes etc.

Just remember that your body responds in different ways to fat loss or gain, depending on your age, gender and genetic make-up. Generally men store fat in the mid-section while women store fat in their hips, buttocks and thighs. Accept that fact and then consult your doctor or fitness instructor on the most effective ways to exercise to remove stubborn fat in your hip and thighs.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lewis & Clark Expedition - Hardships and Dangers Faced Routinely

Much more is said about the huge success of Lewis and Clark's Corps-of-Discovery westward expedition than about the hardships and dangers they faced daily without a second thought. Actually, because of these constant hardships and dangers, they were lucky to make it to the Pacific coast and back alive.

Some the hardships they endured were lack of privacy, routine sickness, poor hygienic and medical treatments, boils/sores, accidental injuries, knife/gunshot wounds, falls/spills, biting insects (galore), poisonous snakes, thorny plants, bad weather, extreme temperatures, violent storms, hail, flooding, getting lost, stress, starvation, lack of sleep, exhaustion, aches, pains, encounters with wild carnivorous animals (bears), depletion of trade goods, and potential deaths.

Ten Hardships and Dangers Summarized

Lewis & Clark Expedition - Hardships and Dangers Faced Routinely

1. No privacy. Camping and living in the open. Also, cramped quarters in the boats, canoes, and stockades. Finding the time and place for personal needs when not encamped: e.g., for rest, sleep, down time, healing, making or mending their clothing/shoes, nursing oneself back to health, trimming hair, whiskers, finger/toenails, and having adequate places to bathe and use the latrine if one existed.

2. Sickness. Sores, boils, dysentery, gastric distress, flatus, sunburn, dehydration, colds, flu, frost bite, constipation, blockage of menses, headaches, appendicitis, tooth aches, mouth sores, dental problems, potential pneumonia, cholera, venereal disease, and smallpox. Also, poor hygienic practices, like, having no personal toothbrushes or prophylactics, which can cause health problems. Additionally, certain medical treatments, like, bleeding, did not cure illnesses. Furthermore, their water wasn't always sterile, and Sacagawea had no pampers for her baby.

3. Human conflict. Disagreements brought on by stressful conditions: e.g., by not doing one's share of work, by meddling in a crew member's personal affairs, by meddling in disagreements among the natives themselves, by not understanding differing cultures and their ways of living, by lengthy, strained, or failed bargaining with the tribes, or by being overly competitive with them.

4. Getting lost. By taking a wrong trail or tributary, by having a guide get confused from the ever changing terrain, or by straying too far from camp alone or without adequate arms or backup. Note: one young crewman got lost for two weeks while retrieving two strayed horses.

5. Bad Weather. Heavy rains, high winds, heat, sun, thunder storms, hail, lightning, flash floods, river snags, weather-induced boat spills, freezing rain/temperatures (-45 oF in North Dakota), ice/sleet/snow. Note: Clark along with his slave and the hired interpreter and his wife, Sacagawea, and their baby boy narrowly escaped a flash flood. They had sought storm shelter under overhanging rocks, but encountered a fast-rising flood instead. Clark lost his compass, shot pouch, and tomahawk. Sacagawea lost her son's cradle board (back carrier).

6. Poor Choices (only a few). By making poor choices under the high pressure or unfavorable circumstances: e.g., by not avoiding known unfriendly tribes, by openly taking anger out on others for many reasons, e.g., missing or stolen goods, by being jealous over friendships/relationships, by feeling insulted, or by being distracted from the necessary routine tasks or purpose of journey.

7. Exhaustion. From heatstroke or gruelling labor (pulling the keelboat upstream or portaging boats/supplies around falls or rapids), from carrying cargo or game, from hiking on slick/muddy/rocky river bank, from climbing hill/trees, from doing heavy work, like, building and mud-sealing stockades, or making underground caches and dugout canoes, and from loss of sleep.

8. Starvation. Lack of food in the mountains (ate candles and colts there), lack of grass/tree-bark for the horses, getting lost without food, getting weak from low food supply when/where game was not available. Note: each crew member could eat about nine pounds of meat a day. Sacagawea helped the corps with this predicament by finding and gathering many wild edibles.

9. Injury. Cuts, bruises, scrapes, scratches, cactus pricks, leg/arm sprains, broken bones, insect/mosquito bites (at times the mosquitoes were so thick they got into their eyes, ears, and mouths), falling off horses, the horses falling/tripping themselves with the pack or rider, potential snake bites, prickly plant stings, pierced moccasins, sore bleeding feet/legs, body aches/pains (feet/back/shoulders), bites/claw-injuries from wild animals, and wounds from knives or gunfire.

10. Potential death (accidental, injury, or sickness). Falling from high bluffs and horses, from illnesses, flash floods, river drowning, boat spills, sudden storms, or wild animals, e.g., snake, cougar, wolf, buffalo, grizzly bear (numerous close calls occurred during the journey). Notes: one tribe wanted to kill the corps for its plunder, but didn't. Several other tribes could have overcome the corps at different times if they had really wanted to. One corps member did die on the westward leg of the trip, apparently of appendicitis. Everyone else made the entire trip alive.

Although much of the corps success can be attributed to 1) their careful preparation beforehand, 2) their vast supplies to start with, and 3) their well-trained, diverse, self-sufficient members, many historians claim they could not have made that lengthy journey successfully without the generous help from the Native-American tribes they met along the way. The historians are right. The corps couldn't have made that dangerous exploratory trip without the help from the Indians. Still, the corps did overcome numerous hardships and dangers on their own.

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Further information on the expedition.

1. DeVoto, Bernard, Editor. The Journals of Lewis and Clark. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1953.

2. Discovering Lewis & Clark. © 2004-2005 VIAs Inc.

Bureaucracy is mightier than the pen and sword combined. Anonymous

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lottery Millionaires - How Many People Win at Least a Million Dollars Every Year?

What do these people have in common: George Martinek, Susan Hannoun, Lori Boyle, Bernadette Gietka, Neal Wanless, and Bob Guerzon? Answer: They are all lottery millionaires. They, along with thousands of people every year, defy the odds and win the lotto jackpot. We hear about jackpot winners every week on the news. But have you ever considered how many new millionaires are created by the lottery each year? How many people win at least a million dollars?

According to the TLC television show, "The Lottery Changed My Life," more than 1600 new lottery millionaires are created each year. That doesn't include people that have won jackpots of, say, 0,000 because than the number would be much higher. Still, 1600 is quite a high number.

If 1600 win at least a million in the lotto every year, it means that there are more than 130 each month, more than 30 each week, and more than 4 each day. That's a lot of winners.

Lottery Millionaires - How Many People Win at Least a Million Dollars Every Year?

Perhaps you're inspired by these numbers. Perhaps you think that since there are so many big lottery winners, you're time will come one day. I don't mean to crash the party, but perhaps you should think again. The odds of winning a million dollar jackpot are bad. 1600 yearly jackpot winners isn't that big of a number when you consider how many people actually play. Hundreds of millions of people buy billions of lottery tickets each year and only a small fraction of those people actually win a big jackpot.

Don't get discouraged, though. The lottery is a game of random luck and you might get lucky one day and become a new lottery millionaire. Good luck!

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nature VS Nurture - Theories of Personality in 21st Century

Nature vs Nurture theories have wasted a lot of energy of human beings. Plato is considered first to realize that you are made of not only flesh but also an intellectual soul.

The issue may be much older...

In Greek Mythology, when gods created man, they endowed him with divinity. However, the man started challenging them. They feared his potentials and decided to deprive him of the might.

Nature VS Nurture - Theories of Personality in 21st Century

"Where to hide the divinity?" was the big question

They considered heights of icy mountains, limits of shining stars and pits of the earth. But every place was accessible to man's capabilities.

Then they decided to hide it within the man himself.

Since then the man has been climbing icy mountains. He has navigated deep seas. He has traversed moon. His machines have even touched Mars. But he is still looking for his 'lost paradise'.

Man, it is inside you!

They call it personality now. It is 'scientific' to ask how it comes into being. Is it inheritable? Is it natural? Is it outcome of environment? Have you any will to change your behaviors or you are bound to follow the dictates?

Nature vs Nurture theories focus upon these issues. The new discoveries in genome and quantum physics have revived the debate. Incidentally, more they discover, more they bewilder. The abstraction continues intensifying.

How to Define Nature VS Nurture Theories

There are three distinctive schools of thought.

1- Personality is Natural

This group believes that your personality is result of evolutionary process. You inherit behaviors due to complex interaction of genes. They control your behaviors. So you don't have a free will to act otherwise.

2- Personality is Nurtured

This group argues that you don't get your personality inherited. Your mind is a blank slate at your birth. It is your environment, education and culture that make up your behaviors. There are differences on the issue of 'free will' to change your behaviors.

3- Personality is Spiritual

This group claims that your personality is result of neither nature nor nurture. It is gift of some deity. They are split on the issue of 'free will'.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Evolutionary Psychology
Darwin's theory of evolution led William Hamilton, George Williams and many others to the idea of personality evolution. They proposed that like physical organs, your personality is result of natural selection for survival of the fittest. You do as your genes dictate.

They suggest that fear of death, fear of injury, fear of snakes, shyness, addiction, criminality and sexual orientation are main examples of inheritable behaviors. Steven Pinker (2004) includes religiousness, liberalism and conservativeness in the list. William Paley considers cognitive capabilities, temperaments and cheating behaviors inheritable.

However, there is strong criticism on this approach.

1- There is no single universal behavior which can be proved evolutionary. Even fear of death, that seems natural to all, is overridden in crusades, suicides and suicide bombings.

2- You are made of 25,000 to 30,000 genes. They are merely twice to the number in a fruit fly. Chimpanzees share 95% of your genetic characteristics. However, they don't share even 10% of your behaviors.

3- People don't differ in behaviors as they do differ in skin pigments. Extroverts, introverts, optimists, pessimists, criminals, liberals etc are found in all societies and cultures. Even identical twins (with 100% similar genes) and fraternal twins (with 50% similar genes) behave differently in most of the cases.

4- No genome scientist has related genes or a set of genes with any kind of behaviors.

5- There are a good number of living organisms and fossils which suggest intermediary stages to the physical evolution. However, no such intermediary stages are available for personality evolution.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Physics

The discoveries in physics have always provided new meat to the nature vs nurture theories. The conclusions of Newton and Einstein helped the people to believe that future events can be predicted with the help of true knowledge of matter and natural laws. This led psychologists to suggest that your future behaviors can be predetermined. The whole mechanism of psychometrics follows this hypothesis.

However, quantum physics has changed the situation altogether. Evidence proves that you can't make two (almost) simultaneous measurements of observables correctly. For example:

1- Position and momentum of a particle

2- Position and direction of a particle

3- Time and frequency of a sound wave

4- Wavelength and magnitude of a sound wave

The list goes on...

The quantum physics has shaken determinism. So much so the scientists have to devise "Heisenberg uncertainty principle" which challenges that any physical event can be predicted precisely in time and space.

Do you think that particles are too small to affect big events?

Reconsider it.

What would happen if Hitler had died in his young age of cancer, which can occur with a slight genetic mutation?

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Reality

"What was the first cause?" Aristotle had asked centuries before

It has been proved that the universe is not result of infinite series of collaborating causes and events. There was a first event; the big bang just 13.7 billions year ago. What was its cause?

There can be only two answers:

1- There was no preceding cause, or

2- There was a first Causer

When you affirm the first statement, you agree that there might be other events which don't have preceding causes. The birth of personality is one of them.

However, if you agree with the second statement, then you are siding with the spiritual school of thought.

What About Environment?

It plays very important role in making of your behaviors. However, any behavior that you acquire is amendable. Secondly, it is not only environment that influences you, the vice versa is also true. You can count hundreds of names who influenced their environments, cultures and societies.

The best advice is to believe in your personality. Use your free will to develop and refine your behaviors. Utilize all out capabilities to collect small successes daily to build bigger one in future. Your way of thinking and style of doing shall determine your destination.

Meanwhile, let the counsels of nature vs nurture theories to continue with their confusing debates.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Here's How You Control Your Blood Sugar With a Diabetes Natural Remedy

Diabetes affects over 170 million people world wide and that figure is expected to double by the year 2030 - according to the World Health Organization. Left untreated, it leads to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and joint problems. In extreme cases, as you lose circulation to the peripheral tissues, amputations may become necessary.
You can do something about this with a diabetes natural remedy involving changes to your diet, losing weight and supplementation - all of these together will allow you to control your diabetes and lead a normal life.

Type 2 Adult Diabetes

Type 2 Adult Diabetes really shouldn't be called 'Adult' diabetes, since the majority of new diagnoses are in children; the blame for this lies fairly and squarely with the modern 'fast food' and soft drink diet.
Risk factors for diabetes include:

Here's How You Control Your Blood Sugar With a Diabetes Natural Remedy

o High intake of sugar, refined and processed flour, caffeine, and soft drinks

o Lack of exercise - sitting around playing computer games, for example

Symptoms are varied and may include: sudden weight gain or extreme weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination and chronic thirst - these are warning signs (amongst others) which should be checked out.

A positive test showing sugar in the urine and blood is another test. The blood of a diabetic becomes thicker and stickier and the person can be more prone to blood clots which leads to stroke or heart disease.

In Type 2 diabetes, you're actually producing plenty of insulin - in fact maybe too much because of the high sugar intake. The job of insulin is to carry sugar to the cells where it's used to make energy.

In a diabetic, two things can happen: 1) The cells become resistant to insulin - in this case the cell membrane which is made up of goods fats and protein doesn't function correctly and 2) The insulin becomes less effective - this is caused by excess intake of sugar, alcohol, refined flour etc depleting the minerals (particularly chromium) required to make the insulin work. Caffeine will severely aggravate the condition.

A diabetes natural remedy involves taking control of the disease, which is really nothing more than a nutritional deficiency and lifestyle disease.

To get the disease under control it's a matter of losing weight, exercising, having a good diet and using the right supplements.

Steps to take for a Diabetes Natural Remedy

o Increase your protein intake - this repairs the cell membrane.

o Reduce your intake of sugar and increase your intake of complex carbohydrates.

o Lose weight and exercise - reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease

o Eat frequently - have 6 meals a day - this helps keep your blood sugar more constant.

o Completely avoid milk and alcohol.

o Drink plenty of fresh, filtered water (8-10 glasses per day) and no pop or soft drinks.

o Supplementation is essential - use all 90 essential nutrients and additional antioxidants.

Diabetics lose vital minerals and vitamins in their urine and this further complicates the disease. In addition, these same nutrients, when they are replaced will actually reverse the disease and prevent further complications

Note: When using a diabetes natural remedy, it's very important to monitor your blood sugar often - more than 4 times a day and monitor the medications with your health care professional. Your goal, and the goal or your health care provider, SHOULD be to reduce the medication you are on and to achieve a normal and healthy life.

You should also discuss any possible side effects of medications you are taking. Unlike many prescribed medications, the diabetes natural remedy approach will not affect your kidneys or your liver

Start Taking Control

Recommended Supplements include:

o All 90 Essential Nutrients necessary for health including 98% absorbable plant derived liquid minerals, a multi-vitamin/amino acid supplement, and essential fatty acids to help rebuild the cells.

o A Chromium/Vandium supplement - will provide a diabetes natural remedy by assisting with natural regulation of blood sugar.

o An Antioxidant Supplement containing Vitamins A, C, E & Selenium - have been shown to improve both Type I and II diabetes.

Here's a summary of how some of the essential nutrients work:

o Chromium and Vanadium - these two minerals can actually help the insulin transport sugar to the cells, or even replace its function. Chromium works to make insulin more effective and Vanadium can actually do the job of insulin and transport sugar to the cells.
A study by the University of Vancouver in 1985 stated that: 'Vanadium will replace insulin for adult onset diabetics.' See our References section below for this report

o Zinc helps blood sugar get into the cells and helps insulin to work better; magnesium also makes the insulin work better and can lower your risk of diabetes complications such as blindness and heart attack; selenium, copper and manganese all have a protective cellular function when blood glucose levels are high and selenium can assist with lowering blood sugar.

o Vitamin C and vitamin E help get sugar out of the blood stream and into the cells, keeps the blood vessels healthy and help protect against kidney damage and heart attack. Vitamin E may improve the body's response to insulin. Biotin (a B group vitamin) can lower blood glucose; B6 and B12 along with Folic acid also may help prevent diabetic complications.

o Essential fatty acids supplements help rebuild the cells, and may assist with better weight control and reduce blood sugar levels

o A herbal extract from a climbing plant known as Gymnema sylvestre has been used since the 6th century BC and helps lower blood sugar and repair damage to insulin producing cells in the pancreas


In any discussion about a natural diabetes remedy, it's important to talk about hypoglycaemia as this can lead to diabetes and serious health problems. It's characterized mainly by mood changes such as nervousness, irritability, lack of concentration (typical symptoms of lack of blood sugar).

In a hypoglycemic person, as the blood sugar level begins to drop - they respond to this by taking sugar. In addition the adrenals start producing more adrenalin to raise the blood sugar levels. The blood sugar level gets very high and the body starts to produce excess insulin. This can then lead to a cycle of blood sugar highs and lows.

If untreated or poorly maintained, this can easily lead to Adult Type 2 Diabetes or even worse, the adrenal glands may stop functioning correctly causing major problems.

There may also be medical reasons for this to occur, such as an insulin tumor, or a tumor on the adrenal gland, this would be diagnosed by a doctor.

The diabetes natural remedy described above:- 1) having a diet low in sugar, high in protein; 2) taking supplements - including the essential nutrients plus a chromium and vanadium supplement; 3) and eating 6 meals a day - will work for people suffering from hypoglycemia.

The additional vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals and essential fatty acids you get from supplementing, will also support the adrenals and cell membranes, and make the body's control of blood sugar more effective.

Type 1 diabetes or 'Juvenile' onset diabetes

A diabetes natural remedy can be applied also to Type 1 diabetics. In this instance, no insulin is being produced by the pancreas (the Islets of Langerhans). In this case the adrenals and the liver are involved in the control of blood sugar.

Your aim should be to try to use as little insulin as possible to do the job of controlling blood sugar. Adopt the same approach as for Type 2 diabetes, that is:

* Increase your protein intake and have 6 meals a day

* Reduce your intake of sugar and increase your intake of complex carbohydrates

* Supplementing is essential. You need to take in all 90 Essential Nutrients necessary for health including plant derived liquid minerals, a multi-vitamin/amino acid supplement, and essential fatty acids to help rebuild the cells. An additional supplement of chromium and vanadium will provide a diabetes natural remedy.

Here's a Summary of the major points in this article:

Diabetes is a complex nutritional deficiency disease that can be managed by simple changes to lifestyle, diet and through supplementation. A diabetes natural remedy involves:

1. Eliminating sugar, bad fats and caffeine from your diet and increase your intake of protein, fibre, plenty of water and 'good' fats.

2. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and small to moderate amounts of fruit

3. Have up to 6 high protein meals per day

4. Exercise and lose weight - this will lower your risk of a number of other complications - including heart disease

5. Supplement with all 90 essential nutrients including plant derived colloidal minerals, a good multi-vitamin supplement and essential fatty acids.

6. A Chromium/Vanadium Supplement is also needed for a diabetes natural remedy

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Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through []

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