Saturday, June 30, 2012

Star Jasmine - A Different Type Of Climbing Plant

The overwhelming majority of climbing plants tend to be rampant and aggressive in their growth habit. They need to be so in the forests where they grow naturally, in order to scramble up towards the light of the forest canopy. This attribute is often welcome in many garden situations, but tends to become problematical in small spaces. The temptation to plant the likes of Bougainvillea, Thunbergia, or Campsis, with their rapid cover and spectacular blooms, can be very great, but many a small plot has been taken over or become an unmanageable tangle as a result.

In contrast stands Star Jasmine, (Trachelospermum jasminoides) which is fairly slow growing and not as showy as many of the usual climbers. Often considered a drawback by the unaware, its lethargy in getting started makes it easy to keep under control, and so it is far more suitable for the small private garden or backyard.


In its own way, Star Jasmine is actually a very beautiful ornamental. Reaching about 2-3 meters (9 ft) it has small, dark green, shiny leaves, which add a refined, woodsy feel to the garden. The plant is smothered by delicate, but very fragrant white flowers in the spring and early summer. It looks good at close quarters, maintaining a decent appearance all the year round. Star Jasmine is therefore suitable for small, intimate spaces such as entrances and narrow paths.

Star Jasmine - A Different Type Of Climbing Plant

An ornamental plant, like an ingredient in a recipe, is only as good as its place in the general scheme of things. In design terms, a specimen has to relate appropriately with the other plants. In this regard, Trachelospermum climbing up a wall combines excellently with low growing shrubs of medium texture, like Pittosporum "Wheelers dwarf", Coprosma repens and Green Island Ficus. It also goes well with bushes like Carissa, Viburnum, Duranta, and Raphiolepis.

For those who like the natural feel of a plant scrambling up a tree, Star Jasmine is an infinitely wiser choice than rampant climbers such as Ivy. The latter, though not a parasite in biological terms, can virtually strangle a tree, causing branches to collapse under its weight, and seriously shortening the tree's life. Trachelospermum simply does not possess such belligerent qualities!

For climbing on tall walls, Star Jasmine needs tying and training. With age, the vines do become thicker, and so the structure on which it is trained, ought to be able to take some weight. On short walls though, it does not require support, as it cascades over the top of the wall. It is also used sometimes as a medium scale ground cover. Left to its own devises, it tends to mound somewhat, and in time can become bare and bald, other than at the growing tips. It is therefore worth pruning and clipping on a regular basis in order to induce lateral growth and ultimately, a denser, more compact appearance.

Star Jasmine - A Different Type Of Climbing Plant

My name is Jonathan Ya'akobi.

I've been gardening in a professional capacity since 1984. I am the former head gardener of the Jerusalem Botanical Garden, but now concentrate on building gardens for private home owners. I also teach horticulture to students on training courses. I'd love to help you get the very best from your garden, so you're welcome to visit me on or contact me at

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Climbing the Sailboat Mast Made Easy

Climbing the mast of a sailboat is relatively easy if you have some friends with a lot of muscle that can winch you up to the top. It helps to be sure they will let you down afterward. It's also easy if you have a power winch that can handle the load of sending you up, in which case the muscles of the friends are not as important.

Since I'm short the power winch and friends aren't always available (especially after the first time) I have had to find another way to the top. Originally I looked into a block and tackle set up. While that would have done the job nicely, when you go to store the almost 400 foot of line it would take to get to the top of my boats mast, it gets tangled quickly.


Another option that I looked into was putting steps on the mast. The steps would make it a lot like climbing a ladder. Once again there were drawbacks. The steps would add a lot of windage to the mast. Even though they are relatively light individually, altogether they would add a lot of weight high on the mast. Those added to the fact that I really didn't like the look of steps on mast, nixed that option.

Climbing the Sailboat Mast Made Easy

The answer I was looking for finally came when I was watching a show about rock climbing. For me it was an eye opener to the possibility of using some of their tools. Luckily there was an establishment that specialized in the rock climbing experience that had been set up in an old church (this was before you could find the portable walls at every little fair). I talked with the guys there and explained what I had seen. They told me that what I was after was a pair of Ascenders and then showed me how they worked.

Ascenders are mechanical grippers that a line is placed into. Once the line is placed in the track of the ascender, the trigger is released and clamps down on the line. When the line is clamped you could hang by your hand from the ascender and it will not give way. You ascend the rope by sliding one Ascender up and then following that with the other so that one is always locked in place. They will slide up easily when locked just not down.

The Ascenders are made for climbing rocks so adapting from facing a rock wall to facing a 8" pole and being able to work has its challenges, but with a butt bucket (boatswain's chair) and a few feet of nylon webbing those are solved. I hook one Ascender to the butt bucket and the webbing (sewn into foot straps) to the other.

I raise a line to the top of the mast by attaching it to a halyard. The line is placed in the Ascenders. From there it is a procedure of standing up in the straps and sliding the Ascender attached to the butt bucket up. Then sitting down and sliding the Ascender attached to the foot straps up. Repeat the process all the way to the top of the mast.

Coming down is accomplished by reversing the procedure. You have to release the trigger on the Ascender to allow it to slide down the line, and then lock it in place so it can take up the load while the other Ascender is released and lowered to its new position.

Climbing the Sailboat Mast Made Easy

Terry Houwerzyl is a top-notch business coach out of San Antonio, Texas, who's committed to helping you seek, plan, and execute your entrepreneurial vision. He's been all over the map both professionally and personally, from serving in the Air Force to building custom chopper motorcycles, to showing Old English sheepdogs to racing sailboats. For many years, he played the role of a high-tech wizard, raking in a six-figure income as a computer programmer for the state government.

Terry recognized the awesome potential of the Internet from early on, and found a way to capitalize on it, securing a lifetime of independence from "the Boss." Today it is his passion to teach others how to do the same. Terry staunchly believes that in order to obtain true freedom, financial and otherwise, you have to go into business for yourself-and Internet marketing is just the tip of that iceberg. Terry is in the process of building a team of like-minded entrepreneurs dedicated to self-mastery, self-discipline, and self-transformation. His wellspring of knowledge and experience will help you to obliterate the learning curve on your own quest toward ultimate job security-and the millionaire lifestyle to boot.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

100 Creative Presentation Ideas

Creative Presentation Ideas - It's Showtime!

Listed below are just 3 of the 100 creative presentation ideas you can use to make your presentation unforgettable. You may use these creative presentation ideas when speaking to potential investors, at management forums, conference lectures or with your colleagues, employees, or any other presentation you have to make.


Each creative idea is described in the following format:

100 Creative Presentation Ideas

Basic description of the creative presentation idea What for? major benefits of the idea, or how it may be used Variations on the creative idea: how you can adapt the idea to different settings, goals and audiences Comments: things you should pay attention to when using the creative idea

Well, here comes the first creative presentation idea:

Creative Presentation Idea #1:

Description: Do not use titles in your slides

What for?

Tell the viewers that you left out the presentation titles intentionally in order to see if you could deliver your main points clearly When using the presentation as a learning aid in a workshop, if your audience is required to complete the titles, they will have to think about what you are teaching and actively participate in the discussion

Leave the titles out for only some of the slides - perhaps the ones that will be used for a review of the presentation so far, or to trigger a discussion on a controversial issue Write only half of the title, and ask your audience to complete it

You can use a printed "complete" version of the presentation for yourself, so you can see the titles you meant to use

The creative ideas I suggest are of different kinds and levels. Some are crazier than others. You should choose the one that best suits your presentation needs. Do you want to make a really bold statement? Here is a more outrageous idea:

Creative Presentation Idea #75:

Description: Present the presentation blindfolded!

What for?

You could definitely demonstrate your knowledge of the subject and a good memory skill as well as self-confidence by using this idea Use it to add some humor to your presentation: after you put the blindfold on, intentionally make some funny mistakes when referring to the slides, and only then show them that you know what you're talking about...

Put the blindfold on for just a short part of the presentation, when you want to make a dramatic effect Provide blindfolds for the participants, so their sense of hearing will be heightened and you could test their memory after a few slides!

Take care not to offend people with disabilities (e.g. blind people, etc.). Use this technique when you are certain you can do so tactfully and with good taste

As you might have noticed by now, these creative presentation ideas do not rely on an incredible knowledge of Power Point, or on unreasonable production expenses. Actually, in some of the ideas you don't even have to use Power Point at all!. Here's one:

Creative Presentation Idea #31:

Description: Have a painter/caricaturist assistant -
drawing images/cartoons on a flip chart as you explain

What for?

This would make your presentation "live" on the go. Instead of using slides, the sketches would visually convey the major points you are trying to get through. For example - when you talk about the tough task lying ahead, a simple drawing of mountaineers climbing up a steep mountain would etch that image in the viewers mind. A caricaturist could add a touch of humor to your presentation with funny images and hints

If you have the talent - you could draw the sketches yourself as you speak. If there's an electronic drawing pad - you could use it and show the drawings on a screen as they are drawn. Alternatively - ask some of the participants themselves to help you and draw those images on the flip chart as you speak. You could prepare and give the participants a comic book with the important things you talked about.

Make sure there are enough flip chart pages you could use, and that everyone can see them well. Rehearse the presentation with the painter and the list the major subjects you are going to talk about so that s/he would have time to think about how to make meaningful and relevant drawings. Here are a few pointers on where to find the person to draw for you: look for high school or college art students who wish to practice and demonstrate their talent for a small fee or free of charge; ask around for other employees that have that talent and are willing to give a hand. Of course, if the presentation is worth the investment, you may always hire a professional caricaturist.

100 Creative Presentation Ideas

Get 100 creative presentation ideas - and more!
I hope these three examples of creative presentation ideas gave you a taste of how you can make your presentations into memorable events.
But the 119-pages "100 creative presentation ideas" e-book has more than just ideas. Here is the book's table of contents: Introduction – What this book is all about Chapter 1: Basic steps for a creative process Step 1: Motivation & Mood Step 2: Focus and Detail Step 3: Manipulation Step 4: Make Real Creative Process Diagram Chapter 2: Ideas - Presentation Content Chapter 3: Ideas - Presentation Planning and Order Chapter 4: Ideas - Presentation Design and Delivery Chapter 5: Ideas - Audience Participation Chapter 6: Ideas - Atmosphere & Environment - Get the full E-book now!

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

White Rim Mountain Biking - Moab & Canyonlands National Park

The White Rim Road, in Utah's Canyonlands National Park, is a wildly popular mountain bike adventure near Moab. On this 100 mile White Rim journey, you will ride below the Canyonlands Island in the Sky mesa through diverse terrain and unique desert scenery. You will enjoy biking over sandstone, sand patches and dirt trails with stunning views of red rock cliffs, rugged canyons, arches, rock formations, buttes and the Green and Colorado Rivers.

The White Rim Road


The White Rim Road is on the White Rim Plateau, a layer of sandstone lying between river gorges and mesa tops. In the early 1950s, the White Rim Road was built and used for a short period in time to access uranium. In 1964, the Canyonlands National Park was formed. Luckily, the road was not further developed and now remains a stunning recreational backcountry road for mountain bikers and jeeps.

White Rim Mountain Biking - Moab & Canyonlands National Park

White Rim Adventure

This mountain biking trip was an all time favorite outside adventure of mine. The biking is fun and rewarding, the views are spectacular, the remote backcountry experience is amazing and the camaraderie you will experience with fellow bikers is an experience like no other. We had a group of 9 bikers. We biked hard, yet took plenty of time for scenery stops and hanging out for lunch and at camp.

White Rim Schedule

Here is the basic schedule of our incredible trip!

Day 1: 25 Miles

Started at the Canyonlands Island in the Sky visitor center. Rode down Shafer trail. Lunch at Musselman Arch; one of the few you can legally walk on. Camped at Airport Tower.

Day 2: 27.5 Miles

Lunch at White Crack; turning point from Colorado to Green River side. Climbed Murphy's Hogback. Camped on top of Murphy's.

Day 3: 25 Miles

Cruised down the other side of Murphy's. Lunch at Wilhite Canyon; slot canyon to explore below road. Climbed up and over Hardscrabble hill and down the other side. Camped next to the Green River at Hardscrabble camp for swimming and fun.

Day 4: 11 Miles

Rode along the scenic Green River to Mineral Bottom. Finished up the imposing Horsethief Canyon trail. Ended with huge smiles on our faces and a beer to celebrate! We arranged for pickups and cut off a few miles of paved road.

What You Need to Know!

You will want to plan your mountain bike trip well in advance. You need to reserve for a permit and campsites early. Planning for the support vehicle and gear should be well thought out. Once you are in the backcountry, you will need to provide for water, food, camping needs, your basic necessities, first aid supplies and bike repair tools.

Our group had several seasoned White Rim bikers. If this is the first time for everyone on your trip, I would suggest using a guide service. The town of Moab offers many guide outfitters.

Time and Ability Levels

The White Rim is suited for all levels of mountain bikers. I would recommend taking 3-4 days to ride, check out the scenery and hang out with friends at the the gorgeous viewpoints and backcountry campsites.

Our group had bikers of all levels. You will love the journey whether you are a beginner or experienced rider.

As a beginner, you will like the diverse rolling terrain. You may need to walk a few sections of the steeper hills. Even if you are new to mountain biking, I recommend being in good physical shape. You will be riding for many hours in diverse weather and it can be tiring. Advanced riders can challenge their pace up the hills, cruise with their buddies, spend more time sightseeing and if so inclined, drink a few extra beers. (This was a crucial part of the trip for a most of our fun loving members! Hydration was important!)

Basic Biking Needs

Camelbak to hold plenty of water Sunscreen Helmet Sun Glasses Emergency bike repair kit (or stay close to support vehicle) Camera Appropriate biking clothes & gear.

White Rim Mountain Biking - Moab & Canyonlands National Park

Your Outside Adventure Guide, Reviews & Articles

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Understanding The Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

Circulatory problems do not begin in a day. In other words, you could call the heart a very patient organ, which can take years of abuse and when it can not take it any more, breaks out in to early symptoms.

At the outset, we need to remember that poor circulation is an outcome of certain lifestyle choices which we make which are detrimental to our health. Coupled with these are factors like imbalanced diet and lack of physical exercise. All these factors lead to fatty deposits on the arterial walls, which when hardened are called plaques. These plaques then block or create obstructions to the smooth passage of blood to and from the heart.


Plaques take a long time to be formed; that is the reason, we find circulatory problems affecting the elderly more often than they affect children. Our food habits also add to an unhealthy build up of cholesterol which may increase the viscosity of the blood, which again creates anomaly in the smooth flow through arteries and veins.

Understanding The Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

Since the circulatory system covers our entire body, the problems can also be manifested in numerous ways. For instance,

Brain - Our brain receives 20% of the blood circulated in our body. With a drop in the flow, our brain functions sub-optimally, resulting in feeling lethargic, loss of memory, lack of mental clarity, etc. Frequent unexplained headaches and sudden attacks of dizziness are also seen as symptoms of poor blood circulation to the brain.

Heart - When poor blood circulation affects the heart, the symptoms would be chest pain, high blood pressure and rise in the level of cholesterol. Difficulty in performing any common task like climbing stairs, walking a stretch could make you very tired and breathless.

Liver. When you suffer from lack of appetite or experience sudden weight loss and your skin looks luster-less, it is quite possible that your liver is getting 'sluggish' and these are the early symptoms of poor blood circulation to the liver.

Kidneys - This organ plays an important role in regulating and monitoring our blood pressure other than eliminating the waste and excess water from our bodies. When poor blood circulation affects the kidneys, we notice swelling of hands, feet and ankles, rise in blood pressure, altered heart rate and we feel tired all the time.

Limbs - Poor blood circulation can have serious impact on our arms and legs. We can experience sudden numbness of our hands, feet and fingers or suffer painful leg cramps. Symptoms of serious blood circulation problems can be varicose veins or a condition called cyanosis - which is when part of our skin turns blue or black due to lack of adequate oxygen to the concerned tissues.

Sex drive - Poor blood circulation can affect our reproductive organs as well. The symptoms are lack of sex drive and fatigue. Symptoms would also include lack of vitality also. Serious blood circulation problems could make one impotent also.

Understanding The Symptoms Of Poor Blood Circulation

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Assessment of Muscle Strength by Physiotherapists

We depend on our muscles to allow us to do all the functional activities we want to perform, from walking to climbing stairs to typing and doing precise work. Our muscles can deliver huge amounts of power and endurance as well as highly coordinated and skilled manipulations. Loss of feeling may be more important in a limb but loss of sufficient muscle power compromises our independence particularly as we get older and find difficulty performing routine actions for ourselves. Muscle power can be reduced by a large number of causes including not using them when ill and forced to rest, pain from injury or operations, stroke or other neurological condition, disease and illness. The assessment and treatment of muscle weakness is a routine skill in physiotherapy.

The Oxford Scale is the rating system used by physiotherapists for the assessment and recording of muscle power when required. Knowledge of muscle anatomy is vital so that the joint can be positioned correctly and the tendon and muscle palpated so whether there is any muscle action can be judged. The muscle is rated on the Oxford Scale from one to five and written down as 2/5 or 4/5, at times with a plus or minus sign to show the muscle has more or less strength but not enough to go down or up the scale. The physiotherapist ensures the joint is in the optimal position to enable the muscle to function easily and for easy visualisation of the tendon and muscle.


Grade 0 is no action discernible in the muscle at all, with the physiotherapist palpating the muscle belly or tendon as the patient attempts to perform the activity several times. Grade 1 is a twitch as the muscle undergoes a small contraction but is not strong enough to perform any of its specified joint movement. Grade 2 indicates a muscle strong enough to perform its designated joint movement when the force of gravity is eliminated, making it much easier to perform. The joint must be accurately positioned for this to be tested correctly. Grade 3 is a muscle strong enough to perform the joint action to the full range against gravity but with no resistance applied. An example here would be lifting the arm above the head.

The Assessment of Muscle Strength by Physiotherapists

If the muscle can move the joint through the full movement both against gravity and against some resistance such as body weight then the Oxford Scale grading is 4/5. It is a professional judgment as to the resistance to be applied for the test, and the physiotherapist will have in mind the health, age, activity and weight of the patient. If a muscle is to be graded 5/5 it must be of normal power, but as this will vary greatly between individuals the physiotherapist must make an estimation of the expected full muscle power for that particular patient. Grade 5 for a frail sick person will be very different from grade 5 for a young, fit sports person.

If the patient can raise their arm up above the head to some extent but not very strongly nor to full range, the physiotherapist might grade that as 3/5 for the deltoid muscle but because it is not full it might be rated 3-/5. If the muscle will take good manual resistance but does not appear to be normal for that patient then the grading could be 4+/5. This grading scale allows the physiotherapist to test all the appropriate muscles and record them in the patient's notes, enabling progress to be charted against time as the strength improves. This can be very useful in tracking the progress of patients recoveries or recording their neurological status such as in spinal cord injury.

Muscle strengthening begins with encouraging muscle activity with gravity counterbalanced if the muscle is weak. Once a functional level of muscle activity is reached the patient can be encouraged to perform normal daily activities to power up their muscles. At a higher level resistance must be added as it is the intensity of work which develops muscle strength. This causes a breakdown of muscle fibres which regenerate with increased strength, a cycle which can be repeated with increased levels of applied intensity of resistance. Once simple resistance has been managed, the patient is taught to perform dynamic exercises using their bodyweight as this is the ultimate expression of muscle strength.

The Assessment of Muscle Strength by Physiotherapists

Jonathan Blood Smyth is a Superintendent Physiotherapist at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK. He specialises in orthopaedic conditions and looking after joint replacements as well as managing chronic pain. Visit the website he edits if you are looking for physiotherapists in Glasgow.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

How To Adjust The Parallax Settings On Your Rifle Scope

What the heck is Parallax? I asked the same thing when I first started looking to upgrade from iron sight to a good rifle scope. This guide should give you some insight into getting the best focus out of your Bushnell scope, or any other adjustable parallax scope for that matter.

Have you ever looked through a higher power scope and noticed that if you move your eye off center to the edge of the exit pupil, the reticle seems to move across the target? Well, that shift happens when the parallax setting is not properly adjusted for that distance. Some have mistaken the parallax adjustment as a focus or even a range finder, but it is neither of these. The parallax adjustment, when set properly will insure that the reticle is positioned correctly on the target; as though your crosshairs are a part of the target, unmoving, as if they were painted on, just for you. Of course if your scope is not a "target" or a "varmint hunting" rifle scope, you probably don't need to be concerned with adjusting the parallax setting. In most hunting scopes the parallax is negligible, in fact I have a good friend that hunts regularly and he didn't even know what I was talking about when I asked him. I don't hunt, but I love to spend a Saturday at target practice. So to me, any small increase in accuracy is defiantly welcome.


Most of the higher power scopes, with a power of 12 or more, will have an adjustment ring at the end of the Objective bell (the end closest to the target). Usually the parallax adjustment ring has the suggested settings printed on them, so you can just dial in the range you're shooting from. The problem is these suggested settings are rarely as accurate as they could be. So why should you go through the trouble of getting yours "just right"? Why not just use the suggested setting? Even if you're a great shot, you could easily shrink the size of your groups by as much as 30%, just by taking the time to properly set the parallax adjustment on your scope. Many shooters don't even realize that even with a few adjustments they could greatly affect their shooting performance. Let's face it, the documentation that came with your scope isn't a real blessing when it comes to learning how to use it, they just assume you already know.

How To Adjust The Parallax Settings On Your Rifle Scope

Now that you have an understanding of what parallax is, it's time to fine tune your scope for increased accuracy. I'm going to assume you have already zeroed in your scope and that it's properly sighted in. You will need to set up your rifle so it is securely positioned on a bench. A shooting rest with a vise would be best. Dial in the suggested setting on the parallax adjustment ring for the range that you're shooting from. Now, look through the scope and shift your eye back and forth, left and right so you can see if the crosshairs seem like they are moving across the target. Experiment with the adjustment ring until you have eliminated the illusion that your crosshairs are moving. When you think you've got it perfect, take a little white-out liquid paper and make a mark on the parallax adjustment ring so you'll know where to adjust it later. Some people paint their mark or score it into the metal, but to start with I prefer something that's not so permanent until I'm absolutely certain about the position. Next, go ahead and take three to six shots and see how your grouping has improved. Nice, huh! Don't stop there, move your target 50 yards back and repeat the process. You might as well find the perfect settings for all the ranges that you typically shoot from in 50 yard increments.

If you're in the market for an affordable rifle scope that will really go the distance I can recommend two models from the Banner series of the Bushnell Scopes line of rifle scopes. The 1st is Bushnell Scopes Banner 6-18x50. This is a long range target scope that is also great for varmint hunting, and it's parallax focus can be adjusted from 10 meters to infinity. The 2nd is Bushnell Scopes Banner 6-24x40. This long range target and varmint scope features a mil-dot reticle which is my preferred style of crosshair. Both can be purchased for around 0.00, so they won't empty your wallet. To view these and other Banner series Bushnell scopes please visit my Bushnell Scopes page.

Happy Hunting,

How To Adjust The Parallax Settings On Your Rifle Scope

Richard F. DeGray II

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Hunting By Moon Phase: Your Best Season Ever

Every season, millions of hunters take to the woods with renewed enthusiasm and vigor. Unfortunately, many come away empty handed, returning day after day to face similar results. It's every hunter's biggest dilemma, but some have found the perfect solution, and that is hunting by moon phase.

Fishermen have long been aware of the powerful influence of the moon on the tides and chart the various phases of the moon in order to determine the best time to fish. Similarly, animals are in tune with their surroundings and certain shifts in natural forces trigger corresponding responses in the wild.


For years, researchers have studied the reaction of wildlife to changes in the position of the sun and moon and have come up with some rather interesting observations in relation to hunting by moon phase.

Hunting By Moon Phase: Your Best Season Ever

So, how does this work? How can paying attention to the phases of the moon help ensure a hunter's success?

Animals and the Moon

Animals in the wild tend to be less active during daylight hours. Feeling safer under the cover of darkness, many animals will increase their activity as dusk falls.

However, many observers have noted that activity amongst all animals is greater when the moon is full and that this one form of hunting by moon phase -- hunting during periods of full moon -- can yield excellent results.

In other words, if you're aware of the phases of the moon, you're in a better position to anticipate the peak of animal activity. The more active they are, the better your chances will be of finding them.

Moon Phase Deer Hunting

Much of the research that has been done on this subject has involved hunting deer, and many hunters swear that hunting by moon phase is the only way to accurately predict deer activity.

But the moon doesn't only have an impact on deer activity. The various phases of the moon also seem to have a direct effect on deer mating patterns, which in turn make them easier to locate. It's because of this that moon phase deer hunting -- as it's becoming commonly known -- is quickly gaining acceptance.

Being aware of when the breeding season begins helps to determine travel patterns and areas of increased deer activity. When the breeding season is at its peak, finding deer is easier and finding more than one in a particular area more likely.

So what does this have to do with the moon? A female deer's reproductive cycle is influenced by the different phases of the moon, and peaks in the three or four days surrounding the second full moon after the autumnal equinox. When the does are in heat, the bucks begin rubbing and scraping in an attempt to attract them. If you know when the full moon occurs, you can be at the right spot, at the right time, and have the best chance for success, luring the bucks into your site.

By being aware of the different moon phases, deer hunting can be far more successful. But not only that, it can also help you figure out when not to hunt. You aren't going to be successful after the deer have mated and even the phase when the bucks are chasing the does can be pretty fruitless.

By becoming familiar with these patterns and planning ahead, hunting by moon phase will almost certainly lead to your best hunting season ever.

Hunting By Moon Phase: Your Best Season Ever

David Rose is an avid outdoorsman and the creator of QuickPhase Pro, a popular moon phase software program. Visit to discover the fun and easy way to view the phases of the moon and enjoy a successful hunt.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Arts and Crafts For Your Preschooler

Aside from free time, arts and crafts play is the most exciting time for the preschool student. The creative bug takes over and the imagination climbs to new heights! As an educator for these young students we must find new ways (or maybe old ones rejuvenated) to incorporate targeted goals while having fun. Some of the most incredible times evolve from the simplest activities created using home made mixtures.

Bubbles and more bubbles, whether blown through a straw or wire hoop, happen to be one of the most appealing summer time thrills in the preschool setting. A very easy but beautiful work of art comes from placing a narrow cup in the middle of a large piece of craft paper. Fill the cup with safe, colorful bubble making ingredients and give the budding artist a straw. Have the student blow an overflowing amount of bubbles up and over the top edge of the cup. Watch out for the giggling that this activity could bring about or more than just bubbles will be on the craft paper. Variations to this activity include using several different colors of bubbles - allow the paper to dry between blowing sessions. Once the art has dried, decorate the walls with cut outs that reinforce your lesson plans.


Pudding paint is also a popular 'condiment' in the preschool or home school class. Using vanilla flavored pudding, add a couple of drops of food coloring to tint for a rainbow palette that will excite even the ficklest of artists. Again using craft paper, cut out shapes that will supplement your chosen lesson theme. Paint the shapes and decorate with sugar 'glitter'. This has always brought about rave reviews.

Arts and Crafts For Your Preschooler

Preschoolers love to create clay style bowls to give as gifts. These items are among the most economical pieces a student can create that are three dimensional. Once you have chosen a favorite clay recipe and tinted it (unless the artist will paint the bowl when dried), assign a shape for the base. Example: If working on the square, have the student create a square base to build up the sides upon. The variations to this activity can include sensory items. Add small rough items to the clay prior to the building of the bowl or add peppermint oil to the clay for a sensory excitement explosion. This is an arty item that no one will every become tired of creating because of the endless variations.

Although these are truly fun and exciting activities, the possibilities are endless. Using the many home spun concoctions we can instill a love of creating while reinforcing the educational / developmental goals of the preschool aged student. Never forget that FUN is always a wonderful foundation to build upon!

Located on the Miscellaneous page is a great set of FREE Arts and Crafts Recipe cards.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Sharp Or Shooting Knee Pain When Climbing Stairs? - Painful Knee Joints & the Benefits of Braces

Do you ever wish you could climb the stairs with ease, like other people seem to do?

Do other people get frustrated with you when you want to take the elevator, instead of taking the stairs? Maybe one flight of stairs might not be a problem for them, but for you it might be a larger problem...


If you look at a stair climber at the local gym, do you start to think about how you could never use that piece of equipment?

Sharp Or Shooting Knee Pain When Climbing Stairs? - Painful Knee Joints & the Benefits of Braces

Introduction : If you have knee problems related to climbing the stairs, then you are definitely not alone. You might feel ok while you stand or walk, but when you begin climbing some stairs, then that sharp knee pain might kick in! - So now what? - You know you do not want it to stay like this all your life!

1.) Sharp Knee Pain

Knee problems when walking up a flight of stairs can be a serious issue. This might even be an understatement for some of us that have knee pain issues. You might have a degenerative knee issue or another type of knee ailment that is causing the pain, and this can become a constant source of frustration for you...

2.) Self Diagnosis

While we recommend that you speak with your physician about medical advice, a person can still ask themselves some important subjective questions. First, you can evaluate for yourself how intense your knee pain or instability is... You are probably going to be the one to know that you have a knee problem before your doctor does and a quick evaluation about knee pain and instability levels can start to get you on the right track.

3.) Climbing Stairs : Knee Braces For Support, Pain Reduction & Protection

When you climb stairs, you can usually benefit from the use of a well designed knee brace. The support that one of these braces can provide can help you to reduce your knee discomfort and feel more stable in every step you take. - The good thing is that knee supports these days are not very heavy or cumbersome. They do not have to be bulky to be strong or effective for you. You should seriously consider supporting your knees if you have knee pain or instability before, during, or after climbing a set of stairs. They can be a conservative treatment option that can make a big difference for you!

Sharp Or Shooting Knee Pain When Climbing Stairs? - Painful Knee Joints & the Benefits of Braces

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hazards of Mountain Climbing

While mountain climbing can be one of the most exciting and challenging sports, there are also many dangers involved in mountain climbing which one should consider. To decrease the odds of falling victim to a damaging or fatal injury on the mountain, make sure that you are aware of all of the hazards and take appropriate safety precautions. In this article we will look at some of the common dangers that one faces when climbing.

The most obvious hazard that springs to mind when thinking about mountain climbing is the danger of falling. Rough surfaces of exposed rock make it easy to break one's bones or even die instantly from comparatively short falls. A mountain climber must continually be aware of the environment around him and make sure that his / her estimates of the strength and stability / firmness of the rock are correct. Rocks can be rotten and give way, crumbling when weight is applied to them. The speed with which weight is transferred from one point to another is also important, as jerking motions are more likely to dislodge a hand hold or foot hold. Many climbers take advantage of multiple support points to protect themselves in case one of their supports gives way. It is also wisest, in cases where vertical or near vertical ascents are being undertaken, to climb in a team. When climbing together, team members must always be aware of each other's positions, as they rely on each other for physical support and for rescue if there is a sudden problem.


Another common danger for mountain climbers is that of avalanches. Avalanches are caused either by loose snow which accumulates as it rolls down the mountain, eventually forming a large mass, or by a slab of snow which suddenly breaks free. Climbers need to be experienced with snow climbing techniques and pay close attention to the recent weather to know what level of danger they are facing from a possible avalanche. If there is a high risk of an avalanche due to the local conditions, the leader of a climb has to be prepared to turn back ' this can be difficult to do when great effort has been put into reaching the higher parts of a mountain, and frustrating as well because without someone as a trigger the avalanche usually doesn't happen, making it impossible to say whether or not going back was necessary. Still, exercising caution when snow conditions are dangerous is the only way to be safe. The standard safety gear used for areas where avalanches may occur are an avalanche beacon, shovel and probe.

Hazards of Mountain Climbing

Finally weather is also a great danger, especially on the upper reaches of a mountain. The combination of cold, snowy weather, which may make it very difficult to see the area ahead of you, and the altitude, which makes it more difficult to breathe, make climbing to the summit of a tall mountain an extreme challenge. Climbers must be sure to bring proper support, and to gauge the level of oxygen that they bring with them to remain safe.

Take all this into account and you can enjoy your climbing, and keep the risks to a minimum.

Hazards of Mountain Climbing

Chris Haycock is an information publisher, one of whose many hobbies is climbing. With recurring knee problems, including one replacement, making it no longer possible to physically climb, he spends a lot of time researching resources to help other climbers.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Most Popular Houseboats - Pontoon Houseboat

The pontoon houseboat is one of the most popular styles of houseboats on the market. These houseboats are designed not to do much moving while still allowing the house to be trailerable and move from one location to another.

The Pontoon houseboat stays afloat using two pontoons, one on each side. The center is then the house with an engine attached to it. These liveaboard boats can be either very elaborate or very simple, depending upon what one wants. When choosing a pontoon house boat, it is often wise to live in one for a bit before choosing which luxuries you need daily rather than those you want or are currently used to.


Most pontoon boats are as comfortable and luxurious as their land based homes. There are beds, dinettes, kitchens, bathrooms, showers, and entertainment in these houseboats. Some even offer grills and deck area for outside enjoyment without getting wet. Choosing a floating home with all the luxuries of a typical residence offers a more familiar lifestyle to those wanting to move from the traditional life to life on the water.

The Most Popular Houseboats - Pontoon Houseboat

All houseboats offer the ability to relax next to the lake and to wake up with the lake at your front door, literally. This can be very relaxing, especially since health scientists feel that simply looking at the water can help one lower their blood pressure and relieve stress. This can make for a healthier life and a more relaxed mood providing an additional reason for choosing that perfect pontoon designed house boat.

The houseboat plans of a pontoon designed boat typically have more room and stability than the other floating homes. This is because the pontoons help to provide width to the house and offers a more stable base for the house. This stability helps in many ways. The stability helps to eliminate the rocking and rolling that a houseboat may encounter on the water. This stability and wide base makes it much harder to for a boat to tip and capsize.

The pontoons can be removed to make it easier to move the house when needed, as well. This makes the house multipurpose and more enjoyable than ever. The pontoon houseboat can provide the best houseboat experience for anyone looking to live life on the waves.

The Most Popular Houseboats - Pontoon Houseboat

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Write Your Family History - 50 Questions You Must Ask Parents Or Grandparents Before They Die

No one expected it.

While climbing into his hot tub, my healthy 87- year-old father-in-law slipped, fell, and broke a rib. He began internal bleeding that the doctors couldn't stop. In two weeks, Gene was gone.


Fortunately, we had taken time a few months earlier to record Gene's life story, and discovered some amazing facts. He was a semi-pro baseball player, a fine watercolorist, and a US Marine. As a marketing executive for Kaiser and later Del Monte, he worked on national advertising campaigns with mega-stars of his day, including Joan Crawford, Debbie Reynolds, Stan Musial, Lloyd Bridges and others.

Write Your Family History - 50 Questions You Must Ask Parents Or Grandparents Before They Die

We recorded Gene's life story on two occasions: once at a small family dinner, then during a living-room interview a few months later.

We transcribed the audio files of the recordings, added pictures, and then uploaded the whole package to a new free web site that helps people write great personal and family stories. (See resource section,below). Gene's family and friends can view his story and add comments or photos if they wish. The profile that we co-created with Gene is a celebration of his life. It's also a direct, meaningful connection with his daughters and their grandchildren. Anyone can create a life story for themselves or a loved one. It's as simple as setting aside some time and doing some careful listening.

I've helped hundreds of people across the US, Canada, and Mexico capture their life stories. Based on hundreds of hours of interviews, I've boiled down my experience into three key tips, and the 50 most productive questions you can use for success.

Success Tip #1: Pre-Interview Preparation is Key

To get the most from your family history session, be as prepared as possible.

. Inform the subject of the purpose of the interview, who will see it, and how it will be used · Prepare your questions in advance · Set aside a quiet time and place free from interruptions

· It's a good idea to use a voice or video recorder; test all equipment thoroughly before starting

· It's often useful to use a tape or digital recorder and transcribe the dictation

· Photos, mementos, or other visual aids are great memory-joggers. Ask your subject to prepare some in advance

· Listen attentively and gently; ask questions of clarification

· Don't try to force the subject into something they are uncomfortable discussing

Success Tip #2: Be Flexible and Creative

When I first started doing life story interviews, it seemed as if people spent the majority of time talking about their early days. As I got more experience, I began to realize that most people have one, two or possibly three key defining times in their lives. For many, it's childhood. For a lot of men, it's WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. The defining moments emerge like finding a gold nugget in a streambed. Be sensitive to these defining moments and episodes. Listen extra-carefully, and ask questions. Often a deeper portrait of an individual emerges, laden with rich experiences, values, beliefs, and layers of complexity. If you don't complete the interview in one sitting, set a date to resume your conversation later

Success Tip #3: Organize Life Stories into Chapters

Most people (yes, even shy ones) love to be the center of attention and share stories from their lives. There are two challenges for a family historian. The first is to capture the stories in a structured, logical way. The second is to make sure that the stories are as complete as possible and contain facts (names, dates, places), fully-drawn characters, a story line, and perhaps even a finale. The GreatLifeStories web site divides the life experience into 12 "chapters" that follow the progression of many lives. On the web site, each chapter contains anywhere from 10 to 25 questions. (Below, I've selected the 50 questions that usually get the best results). Don't worry; you don't have to ask them all. In fact, after one or two questions, you may not have to ask anymore-the interview takes on a life of its own.

The most important objective is to make sure you cover as many of the chapter headings as possible. The chapter headings are logical and somewhat chronological in order: Beginnings, School Days, Off to Work, Romance and Marriage, and so forth. Feel free to add your own chapters, as well. The 12-chapter system is a great way to organize both the interview, as well as the life story write up, video, or audio recording.

CHAPTER 1: In the Beginning

1. What were your parents and grandparents full names, dates of birth, places of birth.

2. What were the occupations of your parents?

3. How many children were in your family? Where were you in the lineup?

4. Generally speaking, what was your childhood like?

5. What one or two stories do you remember most clearly about your childhood?

6. Are there any particularly happy, funny, sad or instructive lessons you learned while growing up?

CHAPTER 2: In Your Neighborhood

1. What was it like where you grew up?

2. Describe your most important friendships

3. Where and how did "news of your neighborhood" usually flow?

CHAPTER 3 School Days

1. Be sure to capture names and dates attended of grammar, high, colleges, trade or technical schools

2. What are your earliest school day memories?

3. Are there any teachers or subjects you particularly liked or disliked?

4. What did you learn in those first years of school that you would like to pass along to the next generation?

5. Were you involved in sports, music, drama, or other extra-curricular activities?

CHAPTER 4: Off to Work

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?

2. What was your first job, and how did you get it?

3. What was your first boss like? What did you learn from him or her?

4. Did you leave? Quit? Get promoted? Get fired?

5. Were you ever out of work for a long time? If so, how did you handle it?

CHAPTER 5 Romance & Marriage

1. What do you recall about your first date?

2. How did you know you were really in love?

3. Tell me how you "popped the question," or how it was popped to you.

4. Tell me about your wedding ceremony. What year? Where? How many attended? Honeymoon?

5. Tell me about starting your family.

6. Were you married more than once? How often?

CHAPTER 6: Leisure and Travel

1. What were the most memorable family vacations or trips you can recall?

2. What leisure time activities are you involved with?

3. What are your greatest accomplishments in this field?

CHAPTER 7: Places of Worship

1. Do you follow any religious tradition?

2. If so which one, and what is it like?

3. Have you ever changed faiths?

4. What role do your beliefs play in your life today?

5. What would you tell your children about your faith?

CHAPTER 8 War & Peace

1. Were you a volunteer, drafted or a conscientious objector?

2. If you didn't serve, what do you recall about being on the home front during the war?

3. What key moments do you recall about your service?

4. What would you tell today's young soldiers, sailors and fliers?

CHAPTER 9 Triumph and Tragedy

1. What were the most joyous, fulfilling times of your life?

2. Any sad, tragic or difficult times you'd care to share such as losing a loved one, a job, or something you cared about?

3. What lifelong lessons did you learn from these tough times? Joyous times?

4. Were there any moments you recall as true breakthroughs in any area of your life?

5. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would that be?

CHAPTER 10 Words of Wisdom

1. What have you learned over your lifetime that you'd like to share with the younger generation?

2. People will sometimes repeat aphorisms such as "honesty is the best policy." If they do, be sure to ask how they learned that life lesson.

CHAPTER 11: Funnybones

1. What were your family's favorite jokes or pranks?

2. Who is, or was, the family comedian? "Straight" man?

3. What's the funniest family story you remember?

CHAPTER 12 Thank You

1. What are you most grateful for you your life?

2. How have you taught your children to be grateful?

3. Are there items or places that mark special gratitude for the ones you love? What are they? What are their stories?

In closing, it is always a good idea to ask an open-ended question such as:" Is there anything I haven't asked about that you would care to comment on?" You'll often be surprised and delighted at the answers!


For many more tips on how to capture precious family history, visit

Write Your Family History - 50 Questions You Must Ask Parents Or Grandparents Before They Die

Mike Brozda is one of the founding members of the GreatLifeStories team. A veteran journalist, he has more than 30 years experience writing for national and international publications.

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