Thursday, May 31, 2012

Night Hunting For Coyotes - Techniques and Gear For Hunting Coyotes at Night

Night hunting laws vary greatly. Please check your state and local hunting laws before hunting at night.

Hunting coyotes at night can be very effective and challenging at the same time.


Some of the advantages for night hunting coyotes include:
Coyotes and other predators are more active at night. They're usually on the move in search of prey for their next meal. This can be an advantage when using a distress call. Human activity is low and coyotes feel more secure and less cautious and may respond to calling with less apprehension. Often times, the wind is lower at night making it less likely that a coyote will detect your scent. Although, you still need to be concerned with wind direction.

Night Hunting For Coyotes - Techniques and Gear For Hunting Coyotes at Night

Now the disadvantages:
You can't see as far at night and target identification can be difficult. There is always a safety issue at night especially if you're hunting with partners. Usually you will have to carry more gear such as batteries and lights making your movement a little more difficult. If your light goes out or your batteries go dead your hunt is over. You will need to call the coyotes in much closer because safe shot distances are much less compared to daytime hunting.

The gear:

Most hunters will use some type of red light which will reflect off the coyote's retina.

Although some hunters will disagree, white light tends to spook coyotes. Lights can vary from handheld spotlights and flashlights to gun and scope mounted lights or large spotlights mounted on vehicles.

If hunting with a rifle I prefer to use a scope mounted light. A light mounted on a rifle this way will allow you to scan the area with the light and be ready to shoot when the time is right. When using a shotgun I prefer to use a head mounted light positioned so that when sighting down the barrel I can see the coyote and the sight beads at the same time.

The technique:

I prefer to call and shoot from a standing position using an extended monopod. You do not need to be concerned with positioning yourself against a backdrop like daytime hunting. Coyotes cannot see beyond the source of the light.

Remember that your shots will need to be fairly close for target identification and safety so position your stand with that in mind. You will still need to use all your daytime hunting skills when night hunting.

You will want to scan the area quickly and keep the beam moving in an effort to catch the eyes of an approaching coyote as soon as possible. Keep the light on while calling. If glowing eyes are spotted, direct the outer edge of the beam or the halo on the eyes. You want to give just enough light to keep the eyes glowing. Do not focus the main beam on the coyote until it is time to confirm the target and shoot. When the eyes are close enough to identify and shoot drop the main beam on the coyote and shoot. Before you move from your position take some time and really concentrate on the area of the shot and get a good mental picture before you try to retrieve your coyote. Terrain can look a lot different at night. If you have a partner, have them go retrieve the coyote while you aim the light at the point of the shot.

Night hunting for coyotes can be very exciting and productive as long as you don't mind missing a little TV and some sleep.

Night Hunting For Coyotes - Techniques and Gear For Hunting Coyotes at Night

Todd Sullivan (dogbreath) is a diehard coyote hunter and author with over 12 years of coyote hunting experience. He is also the author of a free beginner's guide to coyote hunting. If you would like to learn more about coyote hunting please visit

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Hobbies for Teen Girls

Adolescence is an age when all teenagers are looking for creating an individual identity. The little girl has grown up into an awkward teenager. She no longer needs her mother to feed and dress her. Nor does she require her dad to tell her bedtime stories and help her with shoe laces. She is busy creating, writing and telling stories on her own! She wants her privacy and also wants recognition in whatever her new hobby is. Influenced by peers, best friends, video games, modelling and television, she is ready to develop a mind of her own. Most teenage girls are mature enough to know what will hold their interests.

There are a wide variety of hobbies-indoor and outdoors that can keep young girls occupied. Internet, social dating and helping mom are just a few ways of keeping her occupied. Keeping her mental and physical balance is essential as she is still growing and needs help to mould her personality. Some young girls are already keeping secret diaries, learning the art of make-up, taking up Tennis, Badminton or Hockey to keep fit. Today's generation of teenagers are computer-savvy and also aware of keeping fit with balanced diet and exercises.


The girls are more mature and keen to prove their mental wellness. Parents could encourage girls to simultaneously keep even inexpensive hobbies like stamp collection (yes, they are still a hot favourite, so what if snail mail has been replaced by email). Young girls love to cook; they can learn some simple dishes at home or join some classes.

Hobbies for Teen Girls

During summer vacations there is a long list of hobbies that sprout up to choose from. Dancing, yoga, art classes, crafts, gymnastics are quite popular, as fees are also reasonable for parents to pay. Teen girls get an opportunity to make new friends and also hone their talents that could be of use in adult life. It's a fallacy that teen girls are only thinking of hooking boys all the time. Few are reading romantic novels but most of them are reading fiction and poetry and keeping scrap books as well. Photography is a proving to be a good hobby for young girls. Well, some girls like to be in front of the camera and some behind them! Rock climbing, cycling with friends, swimming are equally satisfying hobbies.

Most girls choose hobbies that will help to keep long hours with friends. And this does not mean an investment in mobile phones (a headache for parents) only. Join a drama club or create one for a friend is an ideal way to spend summer holidays. If not an actress then getting into creative production and styling is a good option for teenage girls. Learning nail art designs has also become the most popular hobby these days. As girls learn and have fun at the same time, they develop better personalities. When they volunteer for shelter homes, baby sit and walk dogs they become more responsible. Parents can guide the girls in becoming better adults by helping them to choose hobbies that will help them in later life.

Hobbies for Teen Girls

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Get an FFL License

What is a FFL License?

FFL License is the abbreviation for a Federal Firearms License which is a U.S. Government issued firearm license required of individuals or companies engaged in the business of selling firearms.


FFL holders also provide the service of "transferring" firearms to individuals who may have bought the firearm elsewhere and had it shipped to their local FFL holder for transfer to them.

How to Get an FFL License

Learn how to get an FFL License - FFL license requirements and FFL application process.

So you need to learn how to get an FFL license in order to become a registered gun dealer or to collect antique type firearms. This article explains in detail how to get an FFL license and the FFL license application process and your requirements as an FFL license applicant.

Is it legal to buy firearms over the Internet or by mail order?

Yes! However, all modern firearms must by law be transferred from a FFL holder dealer with a Federal Firearms License at their business location to the actual buyer. That is why they only ship firearms to a FFL holder for subsequent transfer to our customers, instead of straight to the customer.

Why is a signed FFL License copy required before an Internet or mail order purchase can be shipped?

Possession of the FFL license copy bearing an original ink signature is the legal requirement to ensure that the destination of the firearm is the same as the shipping address on the license.

This helps to prevent fraud and the unlawful delivery of firearms to underage or prohibitive persons. All federal firearm license holders must be current and the FFL license dealer will check each against the BATF's on-line database of current and valid Federal firearms license holders, keeping criminals from obtaining firearms is the first priority.

Where do I find a Federal Firearms License Holder to do the transfer for my purchase?

Most of your local gun & pawn shops have a FFL license and will perform the transfer for a small fee. Also, any individual holding a FFL licensee can do the transfer for you. Doing transfers is an easy way for your local FFL holders to generate cash flow without carrying inventory. You can also locate FFL transfer Dealers in your area by logging onto several Internet resources.

Is a FFL licence copy required to purchase and ship optics and accessories?

No. Only modern firearms are required to be shipped to a FFL holder. All other items can be shipped direct to the purchaser.

Can I provide background check information over the phone before I pick up my firearm?

No. By law, the required paperwork (ATF yellow sheet) is to be filled out in the presence of a licensed FFL holder. The background check will be initiated with the FBI NICS at the time the yellow sheet is filled out.

What if I get a NICS delay response during the background check?

Delay responses are out of the control of the FFL licensee, and no explanation for the response is given by FBI NICS as to the reason for the delay. Delay responses provide the FBI NICS the following 3 full business weekdays for review of the background check. Generally most of the delay responses have been given a final disposition within 24 hrs.

What if I get a denied response?

Denied responses are out of the control of the FFL license holder, and no explanation for the response is given by FBI NICS as to the reason for the denial. You do have the right to request in writing the reason for the denial. The ff license holder should have the denied response inquiry forms available.

How old do I have to be to purchase a firearm?

In Texas, the legal age is 18 yrs. for long gun purchases and 21 yrs. Usually between 18 and 21, check locally for the correct age. For handgun purchases. Each state may have different age and eligibility requirements for firearms purchases. It is the BUYER's responsibility to know their local and state laws.
Check with your local FFL holder before making a purchase.

How to Get an FFL License

We have helped many FFL applications get approved first time with the FFL kit. has many resources and answers to questions related to how to get an FFL license the first time you try.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Of course, the first tip is to have your shotgun loaded before you start out to find some birds.

Good locations for finding pheasants is a dry lake bottom with a significant amount of dead brush and weeds which are about knee to waist high or, in the edges of grain or corn fields.


The rooster (male) pheasant is the one that you want to be hunting. It is colorfully marked with long reddish-brown tail feathers and a red and green head. It has a white ring around its neck and has red-orange and black body. The hen (female) pheasant is smaller than the rooster. She is mostly light brown throughout the whole body and has short light brown tail feathers.

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Pheasants follow a schedule as routine as your morning coffee. Understanding their routine can increase you likely hood of flushing out a rooster.

Before sunrise pheasants start their day at roost sites. This is usually the areas of knee to waist high grass or weeds, where they have spent the night. At first light they head for some place to find gravel or grit, such as roadsides, grain fields or similar areas.

They usually begin feeding around 8 am. In some places shooting hours begin at 9 am and the birds are still feeding.

By mid-morning, pheasants have left the fields for dense, thick cover such as standing corn fields, brush patches or native grasses. Here they will hunker down until late afternoon. The nastier the weather, the deeper into cover the pheasant will go.

It is hard to work large fields of standing corn, because pheasants will run to avoid predators. If you are hunting during mid day, then pick ditch banks, field edges, grass field and deep into marshes.

When you do have a successful shot, make sure and mark where the bird fell so it will not be lost on your way to pick it up because the brush and weeds make it difficult to find anything.

Eventually the pheasant has to eat again. So, during the late afternoon, the pheasants move from their loafing spots back to the feeding areas and are easier to spot.

In summary, the best time to hunt pheasants is the first and the last shooting hours of the day.

Hope these pheasant hunting tips were helpful and you have a successful hunting trip.

Pheasant Hunting Tips

The author specializes in niche markets such as Hunting, Boating and Fishing. For other tips and information visit:
Pheasant Hunting
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jobs in Game Testing - The Truths You Should Know

I'd like to preface by pointing out the most important characteristics for a game tester to have.
1) A hard worker will really shine in this industry if he/she keeps at it.
2) The ability to work well with others also plays a strong role in this team oriented job.
3) Good writing skills are a necessity for the experienced game tester.
4) A good tester needs to be able to stand repetitive work for long periods of time.

If you have these qualities than some jobs in game testing might be right up your alley. A funny thing happens when you try and find jobs as a game tester, the community you test with becomes your family.

Testers work long and often odd hours to fix a particular bug or whatnot. This means a good portion of your time will be spent with your teammates conferring about the situation at hand.

This is a good news bad news point. On the one hand you might feel like your neglecting your social life and on the other hand your making new good friends.

The fun point to make here is that everyone whose testing video games probably shares a similar interest with you. This means your sure to get along and can have plenty of fun on your break showing off your skills.

The job is casual and doesn't require a strict dress code in most cases. If you read through this and thought this is for me then it is very possible that video game testing is the right career for you.

Again I've been testing games for about four years now and I do consider myself quite experienced.

For more free information check out my Squidoo lens here: Game Testing Jobs

I also have a website which offers a free newsletter, filled with fantastic information you must have, here: Game Tester Newsletter []

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