Monday, December 24, 2012

Part Time Jobs For 16-Year-Olds

You just turned 16 and you are feeling very good about yourself. You just got your drivers license and with the help of your parents you just purchased your first car and you are able to go places and do things on your own that you were never able to do as a 15 year old. You have the freedom to drive yourself to parties, school dances, high school football games and to drive your date to the movies or to the beach. The thing is now that you have the added responsibilities of car payments among other things, you also need to start making more money than you did last year. This is why you actually need to find a higher paying job. And this article we will guide you towards the best part time jobs for 16 year olds so that you can start paying off your car and have a little extra money in your pocket. These are very tough financial times but if you look hard enough there are still some very good paying jobs out there.

For a 16 year old one of the best part time jobs out there is to be a waiter or waitress. Waitering jobs are some of the highest paying jobs that you can get as a teenager and this is not because of the hourly wage which is usually between and an hour. It is because of the tips that you can make over there. Good waitresses or waiters can usually bring home between 0 and 0 in tips if they are good at what they do. When people come into a restaurant to eat they are looking for a good meal but they are usually looking for someone that they can conversate with and someone that can make them feel a little better than they did when they first entered the restaurant. So in essence, your job is not only to provide excellent food service to these customers but you are also kind of being a psychologist as you are catering to what makes them feel good about themselves. A good waiter or waitress can make a name for themselves really fast among the restaurants customers, and if you are well liked they will usually request to sit at the table that you are waitering on. It is a fast paced atmosphere so you really need to have a lot of energy to be able to do this.

If a waitering job is a little bit too high paced for you then I would suggest applying for a job at your local library as a librarian. Librarians usually make between and dollars per hour but they are our a lot of off hours which will give you a lot of time to not only read your favorite books but to also do your homework and finish it up so that when you get home you will be able to have fun and hang out with friends. If your day is way too hectic for you been working at your local library is just the remedy for your peace of mind. By the time you have stopped working at your favorite library you will have become knowledgeable in many different subjects as you will have lots of time to read many books.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

The Truth About Our Physical Education History

Remember high school gym class? You played volleyball, ran a mile on the track, and ducked before being hit in the face during a vigorous game of dodge ball? Physical education has been part of the educational scene for nearly 200 years. It is vital that students participate in physical education to keep their mind and body in peak learning condition. Currently, the childhood obesity rate is dangerously climbing to epidemic levels. Therefore, the focus on physical education is more important then ever before.

The question is how should physical education be conducted? First, take a look at physical education history. Physical education has evolved over the years. Physical education is defined as "instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenics exercises to a course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, and the performance and management of athletic games (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)." This definition is broad because you can learn several topics ranging from the rules of basketball to sex education. It depends on the school policies of your state educational system.

Physical education was officially recognized in the United States in the early 1800's. Colleges and Universities began to offer physical education programs throughout the 1800's. Finally, in 1866 California was the first to mandate physical education. Many states followed this mandate within the next 30 years. The importance of training the body as well as the mind became prevalent in the educational system.

The Truth About Our Physical Education History

The 20th century brought varying levels of physical education to each state. Presidents such as Eisenhower and Kennedy promoted physical education and fitness. Children took the Presidential Fitness test each year to assess their physical fitness level. This arose from the need for U.S. students to be as physical fit as their European counterparts.

Controversial issues have played an integral role in physical education history. For example, in 1972 Title IX banned sexual discrimination in schools regarding sports and academics. This allowed female athletes to actively participate in team sports other than cheerleading with the financial and emotional support of the school system.

Another controversial issue is sexual education. It has been the subject of intense debate for many decades. Each state has specific guidelines about what will be taught and whether students can opt out of the sexual education program. Some states allow students to watch a video of a child being born while other states only discuss abstinence.

The official employment of physical education programs has a 200 year history which has become home to controversial issues, social reform, and overall child well being. Physical education will continue to evolve as the needs of the student population changes, societal attitudes fluctuate, and the flow of educational funds towards physical education is maintained.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Window Box Ideas - Holiday Decorating

Winter is a time when many window box enthusiasts leave their window boxes empty and barren. This is unfortunate, especially since there are many ideas you can use to decorate your window boxes in the winter. Winter is a fun and exciting time to try some decorating ideas for the holidays that you just can't pull off in the Spring or Summer. Here are some winter window box ideas for decorating and gardening. You can either plant flowers, plants, and vines that thrive in the winter or you can choose to go with a decorating theme for the Holiday season. Here's three of my favorite ideas:

1. Winter Window Box Vines: My two personal favorite vines for cold winter are Virginia Creeper and Boston Ivy. Both do very well in cold winter weather and both are climbing vines that are ideal for not only decorating your window boxes, but creating coverage that can spread across your entire house. During the Fall season and leading into winter these vines can often turn a reddish orange color making them ideal for the Holiday season. An alternative to climbing vines is hanging vines. Potato vine is a great hanging vine that will create a flow out of the box and a different look than your climbers will and is another favorite that does well year round.

2. Winter Window Box Flowers: Primroses and Pansies are a few choices for perennial flowers for winter window boxes. Beautiful blue and white flowering Forget-Me-Not flowers can make a great holiday display in your window boxes or you can go with a Christmas theme of red pansies and green ivy. Most winter flowers need to be planted in the Spring or Summer or they can be purchased in the winter from a local nursery and then placed in your window box. Some winter ferns also work well to bring a holiday look to your windowboxes.

Winter Window Box Ideas - Holiday Decorating

3. Holiday Decorating Ideas for Window Boxes: Lots of people will opt for a no maintenance solution during the winter and will empty out their flowers, plants, and vines to put in place a decorative display instead. This can involve using wreaths, holly, or evergreen branches placed within your window box to give it a decorative appearance. The use of pine cones, Christmas ball ornaments, ribbons, fake white foam snow balls, and Christmas lights are also other ideas you can use to give your window box a holiday feel.

There is no limit to the imagination you can use for decorating window boxes in the winter. Winter might be one of the best times of the year where you can truly let loose in terms of adding a little bit of personalization and creativity to your window planters. Good luck and have fun!

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Matt Buquoi is the owner of Flower Window Boxes, a window box company that specializes in affordable no rot window boxes. Their window boxes have been featured in many cottage and cape cod style homes showing off an array of beautiful flowers. These no rot window boxes can be made custom and fast anywhere in the country.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Climbing Harness

Rock climbing gear and equipment need important consideration. Not only do they provide you with safety, but also with the ability to perform any climbing ability. One important gear used is the climbing harness. Know about climbing harnesses and decide on which suits your needs and the nature of your climbing activity.

Types of Rock Climbing Harness

Each kind and type of climbing harness is designed for a specific purpose. Know what you need with the different types described below:

Climbing Harness

Sit Harness: has waist belt and leg loops, worn around the hips, to provide security and mobility for climbers.

Chest Harness: enables to stay upright during climbs. Can be worn with a sit harness if ascending or descending with a heavy pack, or during a glacier climb. Adds support to the climber.

Full-body Harness: similar with using both sit and chest harness in giving both support and security. You can choose to connect sit and chest harnesses with full-body harness permanently, or semi-permanently.

Rock Climbing Harness Care and Maintenance

Climbing harness gives you support and security, thus you need to maintain the high performance of the gear by caring and maintaining its quality. Here are some tips to care and maintain Climbing Harnesses:

See to it that your climbing harnesses do not show signs of wear and tear. Prevent damage by checking for abrasions and signs of deterioration.

Wash with water and mild detergent only, and avoid using or contact with harsh chemicals. Hang to dry and keep away from direct sunlight. It is more possible to look for signs of deteriorations once the climbing harness has air dried.

Never compromise quality with the cost. Replace climbing harnesses as soon as there are signs of deterioration and fraying, especially if you have had frequent falls.

Store your clean and dry climbing harnesses in suitable conditions, preventing sunlight and rain which can damage your harness.

Always check your climbing harnesses before and after climbing. Remember it is valuable for your security and support.

A climbing harness can last longer if treated with right care. Practice these tips to be able to use your climbing harnesses longer and efficiently.

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Roz Curtis has been practicing rock climbing for five years and writes articles for ABC-of-RockClimbing. Feel free to become a part of their community.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

From Climbing Hydrangea to Oakleaf Hydrangea - Types of Hydrangea Plants

Hydrangea has grown to be one of the most popular perennial plants in American gardens, and the variety that is available now is quite impressive. There are actually twenty-three species of Hydrangea, and of these only five are generally available in the United States. These five species, however, represent a broad variety of available plants, from the wildly popular Garden Hydrangea to the unique Climbing Hydrangea meaning that growing Hydrangea is a great option for nearly any gardener.

The most common and familiar Hydrangea is the Hydrangea macrophylla, more commonly called Garden Hydrangea or French Hydrangea. This plant is popular not only for it's huge bounties of flowers, but also because the color of its flowers can actually be changed from pink or red to white or bright blue, all with simple adjustments to the soil pH and aluminum content. Because Garden Hydrangea produces buds in the autumn and flowers in the spring, care must generally be taken to protect those buds from freezes in early fall and late spring. However, in recent years several cultivars have been developed which can produce buds on new wood in the spring, meaning that these new varieties can still flower even if the cold kills the buds.

The most cold-hardy specie of Hydrangea is the Panicle Hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata. Because these Asian natives are the largest type, growing as tall as fifteen feet, they are often pruned into tree form, and are sometimes sold as "Hydrangea trees." Panicle Hydrangea bloom in mid-summer with large white flowers on six- to eighteen-inch panicles. The flowers of Panicle Hydrangea often mature to a light pink color.

From Climbing Hydrangea to Oakleaf Hydrangea - Types of Hydrangea Plants

The larger of the two Hydrangea species native to the United States is the Oakleaf Hydrangea, Hydrangea quercifolia. Oakleaf Hydrangea produce four- to twelve-inch panicles of large white blooms in early summer. Like the Panicles, these blooms often mature to a pink or rose color. The Oakleafs are best known, though, for their beautiful foliage, which color in fall to a lovely, deep bronze. It is the only Hydrangea that produces significant fall color.

The other native specie is the Smooth Hydrangea, Hydrangea arborascens. It appears naturally from New York all the way to Florida and Louisiana. Smooth Hydrangea are nearly as cold-hardy as the Hydrangea paniculata, but they can survive much warmer areas (all the way to zone 9). These shrubs only grow to about five feet in height, and they are often used in mass plantings, where the white midsummer blooms have the most striking effect. The blooms of the Smooth Hydrangea mature to a lovely pale green.

The most unusual specie is the Climbing Hydrangea, Hydrangea anomala. It is the slowest to bloom of the common Hydrangea, producing white lacecap inflorescences in early or midsummer on established plants. However, Climbing Hydrangea is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after species of the genus in America because it is a true clinging vine. It has been known to cover structures as large as eighty feet tall, and when it is in full bloom the effect is nothing short of spectacular.

Between these five species of Hydrangea, there is one for almost any garden, and more, interesting cultivars are being produced every year, ensuring that Hydrangea will remain one of the most popular flowering perennial plants for many years to come.

From Climbing Hydrangea to Oakleaf Hydrangea - Types of Hydrangea Plants
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Thomas Andrews is a garden writer for Wayside Gardens and the Wayside Gardens Voices blog. Wayside Gardens focuses on providing unusual, high-end plants and accessories for the serious garden enthusiast. Both the catalog and the website present an extensive selection of top-quality container and bare-root plants, along with decorative accessories, many available exclusively from Wayside Gardens. Wayside Gardens is proud to feature the Endless Summer Hydrangea.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Unique Small Cottage Plans

Cottages and farmhouses are famous all around the world. These small cottages are very suitable for those people who have retired or want to spend their vacations or weekend away from the hectic city life. The cottage style houses were greatly influenced by the Early Gothic Style and white Greek Revival Style house. All the cottage plans are designs solely depends on the locations, the materials available and the liking of the builder.

Here I would mainly tell you about some of the unique cottage plans which you can use for your own dream house.

1. Modern House Plans

Unique Small Cottage Plans

Modern House Plans are becoming popular day by day. Many people are opting for such styles because they are suitable for modern day needs. These houses are fully equipped with all the modern amenities and comforts. Beautiful material and textures are used for the exterior as well as the interior in order to give the house an individual look.

2. Cabin House plans

Cabin house plans and log cabin floor plans are used mainly for vacation homes and they are often built near lakes and water bodies in traditional style. The sites for cabins are usually rich in natural beauty and splendor, and cabins serve the purpose of a simple, basic home very well. Usually while staying in cabin homes you can also enjoy various leisure activities like camping, hiking, trekking, mountain climbing, swimming and boating.

3. Unique House plans

Unique house plans are very suitable for those people who love doing something out of the ordinary. These houses have a completely different style and design which is very special in comparison to traditional modern homes. The interior as well as the exterior of these houses are very different form the normal ones. These house plans are usually created by architects who believe in doing something extraordinary and above the rest.

4. Farmhouse Plans

Farmhouse plans are not only used for farms but also for many rural settings. These houses have hipped roofs, Clapboard siding, hipped dormers, large porch with square supports and a hut shaped structure with two story. Country farmhouse plans are also used for vacation homes and cottages.

5. Vacation home plans

Vacation homes are usually built small in size as they are mainly used for holiday or weekend trips. Homes built from vacation home plans are sometimes built up off the ground, and often have a cottage, bungalow, or cabin look and feel. These homes also have spacious lounge area, balcony, decks and porches and open living areas.

These are some of the unique small cottage plans which are very popular throughout the world.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Recovery Time For Double Knee Replacement

In knee replacement surgeries, the ends of the damaged thigh, lower leg bones, and kneecaps are capped with artificial surfaces lined with plastic and metal. Before, doctors replace the entire surface at the ends of the thigh and lower leg bones. Nowadays, it is now popular to replace just the inner or outer knee surfaces, depending on the location of the damage. Doctors usually put together knee joint components to the bones with cement. After the procedure, though, you may be interested on the recovery time for double knee replacement.

How Long Is the Recovery Period?

There is no specific amount of downtime in total knee replacement surgeries. For most of the patients who have no complications or other health issues, the main part of the recovery is done after eight weeks. Recovery depends not only on the success of the surgery but also on the patient's ability and willingness to follow post-surgical rehabilitation procedures and doctor's orders.

Recovery Time For Double Knee Replacement

A few hours after the surgery, one will be hooked to intravenous antibiotics. Medications in controlling pain and preventing blood clots will also be given. It is not alarming to have an upset stomach or to be constipated after surgery; this could be effects of anesthesia. Bandages, urinary catheter, and a compression pump may be present. Simple breathing exercises may be advised to help prevent congestion in the lungs. One should also learn to move the feet up and down to flex the muscles and maintain proper blood circulation.

Recovery in the Hospital

The patient will be advised to stay in the hospital for three to five days. Patients are already advised to stand up a day after the surgery. They are even allowed to walk with a walker and crutches if they can already bear weight on their knees. A few days after, exercises are recommended to strengthen the leg muscles.

Rehabilitation is intensive after a total knee replacement. The main goal of rehab is to make sure that the patient can bend the knees at least ninety-degrees to do walking, climbing stairs, sitting and getting up from chairs, getting in and out of the car, and other daily activities. A factor that affects a patient's ability to bend after surgery is the extent of bending the patient can do before surgery.

Recovery at Home

When the patient is sent home for recovery, he or she must be following a graduated walking program with a physical therapist. This is done from simple walking to climbing the stairs. Strength building exercises should also be followed religiously every day. If soreness in the affected area is noted, a cold pack can be applied, and a decrease in the activity is recommended. However, activities should not be stopped completely.

Riding on a stationary bicycle is also recommended to strengthen leg muscles and improve knee bending. Swimming is also good after knee surgery, but this can be done after sutures and staples are removed.

Physical ability and fitness of the patient, as well as commitment to the exercise program, are the main factors affecting recovery period. Once recovery is complete, some activities may not be allowed anymore like those that involve running, jumping, and landing hard on the knee or both knees.

While there have been great advances in medical technology, a successful outcome is determined by the patient's attitude and willingness to do the necessary therapy. Based on their experience, many doctors have somewhat low expectations for recovery and may not be very encouraging. It is up to the patient to find and follow an exercise program that has already shown proven results. Equally important is finding a trainer or mentor who has a positive attitude toward recovery from knee surgery and who can teach anyone the same mindset. Believing it can be done and working with someone who has already achieved the desired results is the key to returning to normal activities and remaining free from pain.

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Jerry Seaman is a two-time knee replacement patient and former state wrestling champion. He knows about knee replacements and the challenges you face. At age 65, just 8 weeks after his second knee replacement surgery Jerry is able to squat 205lbs for 20 reps, stand and balance on a basketball, hang upside down on a bar 12 feet off the ground, and has a full 135 degrees of flexion in his knee. He has developed a complete recovery plan which includes exercises for flexibility and strengthening, a diet program to support weight loss and improved muscle tone, and his unique and powerful Success Mind-set program. It's all available on one simple CD. Find it on his site

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Snowmobile ATV Helmet Cameras For Snowcross Racing, Trail Riding, and Mountain Climbing

Many snowmobilers often ride in harsh weather conditions. The winter months of the year bring ice, snow and sleet. Summertime activities for snowmobile and ATV enthusiasts can also involve drag racing on grass, asphalt strips, or even across water. For these conditions there are a few options to consider when choosing the best helmet camera for riding in all these conditions.

Not all helmet cameras are built for the most extreme weather environments such as snow and ice. Look for a bullet camera style camera that provides Waterproof and anti fogging recording capabilities. If you already have a compatible camcorder, the 580 Ex View bullet cams can be integrated with your camcorder simply by connecting it to the A/V input. You may also use a DVR as a recording device. A 580 Ex View bullet camera scans 580 lines of high resolution video and includes a high gain two channel external microphone to capture sound. The helmet mounts are durable and can be moved from one location to another. The Ex view bullet cams use a .1 lux sensor which is excellent for low light conditions. As long as you are using a light source, the 580 Line Ex-View CCD camera will work at night or in the dark.

Another option for recording is an all digital Ultimate DVR Helmet Cam Video System like the VIO-POV camera . This system includes an LCD screen for reviewing recorded video and setting up your shots. This video camera has a 5 Lux color sensor and a sub .1 lux monochrome sensor. The Vio has a ten foot radius remote control for ease of recording. This camera provides options of clip mode, loop mode, continuous recording and video segments with tags. The video system requires 4 AA batteries with a record times exceeding 4 hours at the highest resolution. This unit is compatible up to an 8 GB SDHC card. The lens is a 2.9 mm which is a 110 degree field of view, for the wider field of view with focus being closer.

Snowmobile ATV Helmet Cameras For Snowcross Racing, Trail Riding, and Mountain Climbing

A helmet camera makes a great gift for the outdoor winter sports athlete in your family. Whether you're skiing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, skating, sledding, or just having a snow ball fight, be sure to save every last moment on video with a helmet cam. When purchasing a helmet cam, it is recommend to contact a reputable, established dealer , with toll free number for any questions and special holiday pricing. A friendly, helpful voice will reassure you that you your helmet cam purchase will be handled with attention to detail and care.

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Author Nicole Douglas

Nicole is an Web Design-Interactive Media student and a avid sports enthusiast who enjoys recording all the great times she shares with helmet cameras. Nicole uses helmet cameras to record her track days at the track racing BMW's, motorcycling, skydiving and snowboarding. Save your time and energy searching the internet looking for helmet cameras and take a look at my recommendations.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona

In the elementary school I attended in Tempe, Arizona, I was taught about the Five C's of Arizona. They are: Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus and Climate. For this article, I will be focusing on the fourth C of this list. Arizona's climate is perfect for growing citrus trees, but not all Arizonans know how to care for them. The biggest mistakes commonly made involve how and when to prune citrus trees. Many people are concerned about WHEN they should prune their citrus trees, though that is not the most important question involved. For some, the answer could be: NEVER! Perhaps a more appropriate question is: why should I not trim my citrus trees?

Why NOT to Trim Citrus Trees

When one Valley resident asked The Arizona Republic's garden expert when she should trim her citrus trees, this was part of the reply: "Homeowners like to trim their citrus trees for looks. Did you know that citrus trees are actually bushes and their branches naturally grow low to the ground? That's Mother Nature's way of protecting the fruit and bark ..." Those who have driven by the old groves that still exist in parts of East Mesa may understand this idea of citrus trees as overgrown shrubs. The popular misconception that citrus trees should be trimmed the same way as any other type of tree means a shortened life span for many citrus trees in the Phoenix area. This is why I would like readers to ask themselves why they want to trim them before they wonder about when to prune their citrus trees. Whether the aim is to optimize citrus fruit production or simply to have your citrus trees contribute aesthetically to your yard, you should keep their overall health in mind when trimming.

When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona

How to Trim Citrus Trees

Even if done during the most optimal time of year, any pruning done should be very minimal. As Dave Owens, also known as 'The Garden Guy' states, "Citrus trees like to be left unpruned. The more foliage and dead wood on the tree, the more sun protection the tree trunk will get." John Begeman, another gardening expert of Arizona, points out that "more leaves equates to more and better fruit," and also recommends pruning "only if you must and only using the proper techniques." As outlined in a 1987 article by Lowell F. True, there is some trimming that may be necessary. Although it is best to leave a 'skirt' (branches that nearly touch the ground), it is all right to trim this away just enough to make watering and fertilizing easier. Errant branches may also be trimmed, especially if they rub against other branches. As for the outer foliage, the tree's silhouette, this may be 'shaped' for aesthetic purposes, as long as great care is taken to avoid exposing too much bark of the tree to sunlight. There is only one type of pruning that can and should be done regardless of the time of year, especially if you maintain citrus trees for their fruit: the removal of sucker growth. These suckers are also called 'water sprouts,' and will sprout from the trunk or even the roots of the tree. A layman may feel this necessary out of intuition or a desire to make the tree look nice, but in fact there is a good reason behind it. True says: "Be sure to eliminate all suckers arising from below the bud union [which is the site of grafting]. They are from the rootstock variety and will not bear edible fruit. When left to develop, they will take over the top portion causing your named citrus variety to be reverted back to an undesired variety." One important 'when' of pruning involves limbs that have been killed by frost, do not remove this deadwood until after spring growth has started, so you can be sure of the extent of the damage.

When to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona

The best time of year to trim citrus trees is in the spring. If you trim them between about mid March to early May, the trees are less likely to be harmed by extremes in temperature. Citrus fruit ripens in the late fall, from about November to February for most varieties. Minimal pruning during this harvest time is also acceptable. During the winter there is danger of frost, and during the summer there is the opposite problem. Citrus trees are highly sensitive to sun damage, especially during the hottest months of the year and during the hottest parts of the day. If the tree is not shaded during the afternoon, any bare trunk or branches need to be wrapped or painted (whitewashed) for sun protection. The tree is most vulnerable where it receives direct sunshine in the afternoon: the Southwestern exposure. This is why it is so important not to overprune citrus trees: branches subjected to direct sun will burn, and full exposure to the trunk can kill the tree altogether.

In conclusion, I would like to re-emphasize that knowing when to trim citrus trees is not nearly as important as understanding how to trim citrus trees. The number one rule in knowing when to trim citrus trees is the sun. The number one rule in knowing how to trim citrus trees is minimalism. Remember, they are actually just large bushes.

SOURCES (in order of citation within article): The Arizona Republic: Southwest Gardens, Diana Balazs. The Garden Guy: "Citrus Trees" by Dave Owens. Arid-Southwestern Gardening Information: John Begeman [], University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. "To Prune, or Not to Prune - Citrus, That is." Lowell F. True, The University of Arizona College of Agriculture "Citrus in the Home and Garden"

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Claire Charlton is co-owner and manager of Arboreal Tree Experts, a highly rated Arizona Tree Service company that performs expert Tree Trimming and Tree Removal services. Arboreal Tree Experts won the Angie's List Super Service Award in 2006 and 2007, and has been performing tree trimming and tree removal services for satisfied customers in Arizona since 2000.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Top 5 Best 50th Birthday Presents

Turning the big 5-0 can be an exciting. Friends and family usually gather together for a huge bash with dancing, laughing, cake, and of course...50th birthday presents. So the trick is figuring out what to buy for the guest of honor at a 50th birthday gala. Well, with 50 being the new 40 (or so they say) the selection of birthday presents interesting to the modern 50 year old is much larger than it used to be. Follows are 5 fabulous ideas for fantastic 50th birthday presents.

'This is Your Life'

Once a popular television show, "this is your life" gifts spotlight the first fifty years of the birthday guest's life. There are several formats that can be used to create such a gift. A scrapbook is one good way to celebrate someone's life, provided you have access to photos or memoirs from the birthday guest's past. A photo collage is another good choice and gives the birthday "boy or girl" the chance to display your thoughtful gift in their home afterwards. If the guest of honor enjoys the digital way of life, you can even convert old home movies into a DVD at an affordable price. Just search online or in your local phone for home movie conversions.

The Top 5 Best 50th Birthday Presents

Adventure vacation

A more extravagant idea for a 50th birthday gift is an adventure vacation at any of the hundreds of places around the world that specialize in exciting vacation getaways. Hang-gliding, hiking, skiing, deep sea diving and mountain climbing are all available choices for the risk-seeking birthday honoree. So if your 50-year-old loved one enjoys taking a trip on the wilder side of the road, an adventure getaway may just be the way to go for a perfect gift idea.

Relaxation Presents

If, on the other hand, the birthday guest of honor in your life has quite enough adventure in their life already, a relaxation gift may be a better option. Relaxation presents can be anything from a day at the spa to a back massager. For the 50-year-old gentleman a great way to relax can be a day of golf or fishing. Ladies may enjoy the day at the spa mentioned earlier or a home facial kit with the lotions, cloths and aromatherapy candles included. Either gender may enjoy a good book and some imported coffee, tea, or whiskey (depending on their preference).

Gag Gifts

While this wouldn't be my first choice, many people enjoy laughing at themselves and what better time to find humor than at a 50th birthday celebration? For gag gifts you can search online or at the local mall. 'Over-The-Hill' themed items are usually popular for making light of the guest of honor's age. Before you decide on going with a gag gift, I would make sure that the party is casual enough to warrant it. Also I would stick to giving gag gifts only to people you know really well and are sure that they won't take offense. Keep in mind that while 50 surely isn't considered as old as it used to be, some people can still be sensitive about hitting that half-century spot.

Digital Gifts

Digital gifts can be great gifts for anyone's birthday and since technology changes so quickly, you can almost be assured that your loved one doesn't already have a duplicate of your gift at home. Digital cameras, hand-held video recorders, as well as the popular DVD players are all excellent ideas for 50th birthday presents. However, an Ipod or generic MP3 Player is the best idea for a gift for the 50-year-old who doesn't already have one. Whatever digital gift you consider buying, make sure to do your research first and keep in mind the knowledge level of the person you are buying for. If the person turning 50 has only a limited understanding of digital cameras, don't buy them an advanced set-up with all the bells and whistles. Just a basic aim-and-shoot camera would be best.

As you can see the options are almost limitless. As long as you take into consideration the personality and lifestyle of the birthday guest-of-honor, your 50th birthday presents are sure to be greatly appreciated and enjoyed for years to come.

The Top 5 Best 50th Birthday Presents
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Jennifer Carpenter is a work at home mother of three, two teens and a preschooler. She is a writer and Internet marketer who is currently working towards financial freedom through working online. Read more about her incredible journey at

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